Saturday, July 30, 2011

Blow out the Candle, You’re Making Everyone Feel Awkward

Could the true danger in life come from trying too hard? Is evil a result of overexertion, overextension or a lack of motivation to connect with others? Could the danger lie in trying too little? Mercy should not be hard won, instead, it should be given freely to those, yes even those most undeserving. Can I have mercy on myself? Will I still love me tomorrow?


I'm approaching a significant birthday and it's coming a lot faster than anticipated. I've come a long way since I woke up at 10 years of age thinking, wow, my birthday is just another day. That pre-Christmas excitement was to never return. Now, don't get me wrong, I've had more than my share of amazing birthdays thanks to amazing people who have made certain I enjoyed it. Hugs and doodlebugs to all you family and friends. This is the first August that I am celebrating while fighting off moments of dour introspection. The questions – What have you accomplished? Have you made a difference for the better? What do you want the next quarter century to look like? Really echoing the main question – Is everything going to be okay?

Other questions-


When will I have overplayed the new Panic at the Disco CD so that I am sick of it?

  1. Never, how could I? For just suggesting the fact I demand your immediate beheadal. Beheadival? Ah. Beheading.
  2. Probably sometime in the next month at the current rate of play.
  3. When the Deep Ones replace their slithery song for the glory of Panic's

When will I schedule the next Writers At Wit's End meeting?

  1. Right after I am finished with writing this
  2. When I learn to write with my new, steam-powered hand.
  3. The last minute, and in trying to please everyone, satisfy no one.

What is my weapon of choice during zombie attack?

  1. Chainsaw – it makes up for all the noise in pure carnage.
  2. Shotgun – because well, it's my boomstick.
  3. Long-handled axe – silent and sharp.

What kind of character will feature in my next unicorn story?

  1. A tortured fairy
  2. A half-human child
  3. A disfigured pegacorn

Will I finish my Game of Thrones novel before it's due back at the library?

  1. I better, because the wait is all kinds of crazy.
  2. I will be bored of the storyline and return it with no sear in my conscience.
  3. I will become so engrossed I immediately buy all the others available and find some way to watch the series.

Will I be able to sustain interest in growing out my hair through this summer heat?

  1. No great feat, I mean, come on, it's the Pacific Northwest for pity's sake.
  2. I will get bored and chop it all off in a fit of pique. It will have nothing to do with weather.
  3. I will get something done at the stylist. Maybe. Or not.


Tune in next time for the pointless blatherings of a sincere fool.





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